How an optical illusion made "Three Suns" appear in China?

Three Suns appeared in the sky of Mohe, created by a natural phenomenon

Three Suns in China, three suns in the sky, three suns
This picture is showing two mock suns appearing on the left and right side of the actual sun in Mohe.

'Mohe' gave the unique opportunity to the people for knowing such an incidence (Click to tweet) 

The residents living in the Chinese city, Mohe, recently spotted three Suns appeared in the sky at the same time. This illusion had lasted for about three hours from 6:30 to 9:30 am in Mohe town of Tuqiang province. This incident occurred on December 31, 2019.

It was caused due to a natural phenomenon known as "Sun Dogs"; while the other Suns to the right and left are called as Phantom Suns.

The two extra suns stayed in the sky for about 20 minutes before they disappeared leaving only the original star behind.

Sun dogs happen when the light refracts off particulate crystals in the cloud cirrcus. This phenomenon is also called "Parhellion".

According to experts, sun dogs can appear anywhere in the world.

An unusually bright moon can create the same effect, but such an instance is "very rare". 

This strange phenomenon is believed to have been recorded as early as between 384 and 322 BC by Aristotle

During the month of January, the Chinese city of Fuyu experienced the same phenomenon. 

Conditions needed for the occurrence of the phenomenon-

The temperature has to be roughly 20 degrees below freezing and the sun has to be quite low in the sky. 

The second condition is must for the occurrence as the other two fake Suns can be only seen in a low light.

Which Historical authors wrote about this phenomenon?

Like that our favorite legend, William Shakespeare- he described the sun dogs and the awe they inspired in Act Two Scene One of Henry VI, Part 3:

"Three glorious suns, each one a perfect sun;
Not separated with the racking clouds,
But sever’d in a pale clear-shining sky.
See, see! they join, embrace, and seem to kiss,
As if they vow’d some league inviolable:
Now are they but one lamp, one light, one sun.
In this the heaven figures some event".

And there are two roman authors, Cicero and Seneca who mentioned this phenomenon in their writings too.

How this phenomenon is related to a history?

It was believed in later works that the Sun dogs were the omens for bad times ahead, such as war.

But it gone totally wrong, as in 1461, when three suns appeared before a major battle during the War of the Roses, they were portrayed as the three sons of the Duke of York, who had a major victory.

"The three suns were a sign of God’s favour to the Yorkist cause" Edward of York convincing his followers.

"The son of York became the glorious Sun of York"

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